All Hallows Eve?
I feel unusually drawn
To focus on the things of God
And of the glory to come
Yet today as I sit and muse
There are those who say
The holiday at this week’s end
Is a wonderful, glorious day
I fear that they are unaware
Of the wicked start the holiday had
Of the giving of gifts to the dead
Or the deeds done that were bad
“Trick or Treat” should not be
Taken lightly by folks
For in days of old the Celts and Druids
Did such sinister “jokes”
When on this day of the year
The folk would lay out food
To appease the spirits of the dead
And save their foul mood
It has been told of former days
The “spirits” did commit
Acts of violence and of rage
On those whose gifts they didn’t get
Fires burned, homes and crops destroyed
When folk the dead did neglect
For those of the local cults did rage
When these spirits' needs were not met
I know that times have changed
And folk have long forgot
The origins of this ‘holy’ day
So these things are not taught
But we do well to teach these truths
Before our kids go out
To plunder the city for candy sweet
And “Trick or Treat” do shout
Remembering the days of old
Our forefathers did honor thus
Redeem the time that Satan stole
Giving praise to God A MUST
A party in honor of our King
Is a much more glorious way
To redeem the day that Satan stole
And is using to steal our children away
Our church has chosen a fitting way
To honor God and thus our children protect
Creation Celebration is
Our church’s fall project
So “chose today whom you shall serve”
And give your heart to honor all He’s given
And remember that heaven is a place
Reserved only for the living!
Celebrating God’s Creation
A pagan holiday celebrated by most children
The Church decides to take a stand
And celebrate what God created – not man
So we gather together in Jesus name
To give God the glory, and never the blame
For the beautiful creatures that roam the earth
And the choice He gives us for 2nd birth
So dress as you favorite animal or plant
‘Tis very easy, so don’t tell me you can’t
A little imagination, some fabric, and socks
And build up a fruit stand or a large bunch of grapes
A hippo, a rhino or possibly an ape
And give glory to God for these gifts He gave
And for our lives that He came to save!
Thanks, Lord!