Monday, July 25, 2016

What to Do When You Feel Like God Isn’t There

As believers we know that God is always there with us … in us. But we all experience times He seems far away. I call them ‘dry times’ in the spirit. We must learn how best to deal with these times. I use music. And not just any music, God’s … the Psalms. These songs tell of God’s wondrous love, care and protection.

Psalm 139:7-12, tells us how close God really is … Always!

So I would counsel you to read/sing through the Psalms, focusing on the words. And find one that strikes a chord within your heart to repeat when things seem especially tough going.

I would also encourage you to memorize some Bible verses that lift your countenance and inspire you. Being able to do battle with God’s word is our Key to Victory against Satan. It is the only defensive weapon in the Christian’s armory. God gave us our Armor in Ephesians 6:10-18. When you read through this list you will see that it covers us very well, except for our backs … He expects us to stand in battle with our back against that of a fellow Warrior of Christ. That Christian at you back is your Battle Buddy, and you are his/hers. If you have ever heard the saying; “I’ve got your back,” this is exactly what it means.

As Christians we have each other’s backs. Our prayers for one another give you the strength and courage you need to battle on. And your prayers for others give them what they lack for their battle, too.

So, to wrap this up: Sing unto the Lord (or just make a JOYFUL noise), recite scripture and pray for others in need and God will see you, and others, through the tough times.

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